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IOPScience eBooks


This report reflects the findings of a high-level assessment of the IOPScience eBooks platform for its conformance with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 (WCAG 2.1). There are very few WCAG 2.1 compliance issues with IOPScience eBooks, and they are very minor overall with the most pressing issue being around PDF content. Below are the most critical issues to address to improve system compliance.

Top 2 Issues:

  1. PDF Content: The paramount issue with the accessibility of IOPScience eBooks is the PDF content. There are some key areas missing for compliance such as content tags. The table for this section contains the output of the analysis and can be used as reference for what needs to be fixed for compliance with the Section 508 PDF guideline.
  2. Tablist Link: The only other issue that was found is very minor. The “Browse all books” link 
    on the landing page is contained within the tablist and still has its tab-index. Moving the 
    link outside of the tablist will solve the issue.