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Casalini Torrossa


This high-level assessment covers limited portions and functionality of the Casalini Torrossa Platform. The assessment revealed issues with assistive technology compatibility, resulting in some users missing information required to perceive and understand content, and to operate functions. It is important to keep in mind that the findings represent a high-level assessment, and do not reflect the results of a Deque Comprehensive Web Assessment.

Top 3 Issues:

  1. Contrast: A small handful of contrast issues exist on text and icon-type content, however this small number of instances are found throughout the site.
  2. ARIA: Some errors in the use of ARIA functionality will result in issues with Assistive Tech being able to benefit from the usage of ARIA.
  3. Programmatic Names: A handful of issues exist where programmatic names for controls are duplicated without any programmatic context to assist users in identifying the unique purpose for controls. These handful of issues are repeated multiple times on the pages where they occur.